The Ticket: Each minimum $5 play provides three lines of 7 numbers.
The Jackpot: Starts at $10 million and can grow to $80 million.
The Draw: Every Tuesday and Friday. Simply purchase a ticket at a participating retailer by 10:30 p.m. EST on the draw date to participate in that day’s draw.
The Odds: Main Jackpot: 33,294,800 per $5 play.
Bonus Feature
When the LOTTO MAX jackpot reaches and exceeds $50 million, additional $1 million prizes are offered, called MAXMILLIONS. When MAXMILLIONS prizes are available, your Lotto Max ticket not only gives you a chance at the main jackpot but it also gives you a chance to win any of the $1 million MAXMILLIONS draws on the same date, automatically with purchase. .

LOTTO 6/49

The Ticket: Each play costs $3 and includes one set of 6 numbers ranging from 1 to 49 for the Classic Jackpot plus a 10-digit number for the Gold Ball Jackpot draw.
The Classic Jackpot: A $5-million jackpot is available for every draw, twice per week.
The Gold Ball Jackpot: A chance to win a guaranteed $1 Million prize OR the rolling jackpot that starts at $10 million and grows by $2 million if not won, up to a maximum $68 Million.
The Draw: Every Wednesday and Saturday. Simply purchase a ticket at a participating retailer or at by 10:30 p.m. EST on the draw date.
The Odds:
Classic Jackpot: 1 in 13,983,816 per $3 play.
Gold Ball Jackpot: Varies depending on number of Gold Ball Draw Numbers issued for that draw and number of balls in the Gold Ball Jackpot draw
For more information on odds, visit
Special Promotions
LOTTO 6/49 occasionally offers Super Draws which include additional guaranteed prize draws (prize amount and number of prizes may vary from draw to draw) in addition to the Classic game prizes and Gold Ball Jackpot. Every LOTTO 6/49 play issued for the Super Draw, including Advance Play purchases, will have a chance to win the Classic game prizes, the Gold Ball Jackpot and any of the additional guaranteed prize draws.
The Ticket: Two sets of six numbers ranging from 1-45 for two chances to win the main jackpot per $1 play.
The Main Jackpot: Starts at $250,000 and grows until it’s won. There is no capped maximum amount to the jackpot.
The Draw: Every Saturday. Simply purchase a ticket at a participating retailer by 10:30 p.m. EST on the draw date.
The Odds: Main Jackpot: 1 in 4,072,530 per $1 play.
Special Feature
The Early Bird draw provides another chance to win. To be entered in the $50,000 Early Bird Draw, just buy a ticket at a participating retailer before 11:59:59 p.m. ET on a Friday.

Ontario 49

The Ticket: Play 6 numbers from 1 to 49 the same as LOTTO 6/49. Each play costs $1.
The Jackpot: A guaranteed $2-million Jackpot for every draw, twice per week.
The Draw: Every Wednesday and Saturday. Simply purchase a ticket at a participating retailer by 10:30 p.m. EST on the draw date.
The Odds: Main Jackpot: 1 in 13,983,816 per $1 play.
Daily Grand
The Ticket: 5 main numbers ranging from 1 to 49, and 1 grand number ranging from 1 to 7 costs $3.
The Jackpot: $1,000 a day for life.
The Draw: Every Monday and Thursday. Simply purchase a ticket at a participating retailer by 10:30 p.m. EST on the draw date.
The Odds: Main Jackpot: 1 in 13,348,188 per $3 play.
For more information on Daily Grand and ways to play, visit


The Ticket: A bonus game attached to another draw-based lottery game that offers an extra chance to win for $1. Receive an additional set of numbers to match against the ENCORE draw. You can play up to ten times per ticket.
The Jackpot: $1 million.
The Draw: The ENCORE draw is at the same time as the original game selected. Check the draw dates for the chosen game.
The Odds: Overall odds of winning any prize are 1 in 9.17.
ENCORE numbers are randomly selected by the lottery terminal. They can’t be selected by players, and are drawn on the same day as the draw for the main lottery game selected. Only one set of ENCORE numbers is drawn and applies to all games.