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There’s more to dice than just six sides

1) 5,000 years and counting

Today’s “D6” cubes (named for their six-sided design) have been around for approximately 5,000 years, but it’s believed that people have been carving and throwing dice for nearly twice that long.

2) The crystal ball

In the early days, dice were used primarily to divine the future rather than for gambling. But by Medieval times, people were betting on the chance to roll for a win.

3) Crouching toad

Hundreds of years ago in England, Hazard was the dice game of choice. It’s the precursor to today’s Craps—still the most popular dice game on the planet. Craps arrived in New Orleans via French settlers who called it Crapaud (French for “toad” – the crouched pose players often struck while playing in the streets).

4) The side story

Today you can find specialty dice with 10, 20, even 100 sides. These custom tumblers are often made of precious woods and metals, and used around the world in cafes, bars, living rooms,… anyplace, really, where there is room for a good throw. Of course, Ontario casinos use only standard D6 dice.

5) 12 vs. 33

Beyond casinos, dice are used for everyone’s favourite board games, from Monopoly to Catan. Board game dice often have 12 mm sides and are considered imperfect by some because of their rounded corners and edges. Casino dice usually have 33 mm sides with sharp edges and corners, and are often red and translucent with white pips.

6) Dice Quote Of The Day

“One who doesn’t throw the dice can never expect to score a six.”
– Navjot Singh Sidhu –

Find out how to play dice games and other table games available in Ontario here.