On the other hand, after a successful break, some players may decide they’d like to return to Casinos, OLG.ca or Charitable Gaming Centres. Here too, we can help.

My PlaySmart Tools
To help transition back to play, My PlaySmart has built a set of tools to help players customize their time and money budgets, understand play habits and keep the fun in their game.
When you return to play, be PlaySmart ready.
PlaySmart is all about giving players knowledge they can bet on. As much fun as games are to play, knowing how they work can help make you a more confident and informed player. PlaySmart tools and tips:

All slot variations have unique features and quirks. Before hitting “spin”, learn how these machines work, and all about the random aspects of a win.

Table Games
PlaySmart is helping casino players better understand the ins and outs of table games and how to make sense of the odds of winning. Even if you’ve been playing these games for many years, there’s always something new to pick up that could help make you a more educated player.

Sports Betting
Betting on sports can be an enjoyable way to feel like part of the action. Here’s your inside source on how to play and what you need to know to make a bet that’s right for you.

Lottery & INSTANTS
If you’re returning to play lottery or INSTANT games, it’s good to know how these games are designed. Knowing this can help you better understand what has to take place in order to win—something that might better inform how many tickets you really wish to purchase.

Charitable Gaming Centres
OLG Charitable Gaming Centres offer a great way to have fun and support your community. Find out what’s new in Bingo, and the rules of the game.

Style of Play Quiz
Not every type of game is for every player. Players who play games that match their play style get more out of the game, even when they lose. Try this short quiz to get started in finding out which game might best fit your style.

Social Hub Blog
Understanding the history or the culture of games gives players a good perspective on gambling and can be excellent conversation starters. From the history of roulette to getting the hang of the house edge, the PlaySmart Social Hub is a great place to find insights and information on the world of gambling.